2014年11月16日 星期日

成語(3):一肚子火。Chinese Idiom: A Belly of Fire (literally translated)

While you say ‘fire in one’s belly’ in English, we in Chinese say nearly all the same things: 一肚子火。一(a, one)肚子(belly)(fire)pronounced as(i)肚子(duˋtz)(huoˇ)Do they denote the same thing too? No. In English, one has energy and determination to do something when he has a fire in his belly. In the “Chinese” belly, however, the fire is angriness. So, I am very angry or furious when I say「我一肚子火」----(I)(a)肚子(belly)(fire);woˇ-i-duˋ-tz-huoˇWhat this Chinese idiom actually says is “My belly is full of fire.” You say this to others to let them know that you are furious at something. Just like you read ‘a loaf of bread,’ I like to transliterate this idiom into ‘a belly of fire’ ----一肚子火。 The following is the Chinese character 'fire' :

