大家有飯吃;有飯大家吃。大(daˋ)家(jia)有(iouˇ)飯(fanˋ)吃(chi);有(iouˇ)飯(fanˋ)大(daˋ)家(jia)吃(chi)。大家:everyone, all (of the people);有:have, has, there is, there are;飯:steamed rice, food;吃:eat, have(food)。By saying 「大家有飯吃」, you mean "There is enough food for everyone to eat." No one has nothing to eat. Changing the sequence of all the same five Chinese characters into 「有飯大家吃」,now there is necessarily enough food no more. Still, no worry, let's all share the food even though we have only a little or little--「(When)有(some)飯,大家吃」。By saying 「有飯大家吃」,you mean " When there is some food, let's all share it." In China, 大家有飯吃 after Deng Xiau-ping's economic reform. Before it, when Mau Ze-dong ruled, 有飯大家吃 or 大家沒(no, there isn't, there arn't; pronounced as: meiˊ)飯吃 。 The following (down from top)are 1.Chinese character "飯"; 2.飯 (steamed rice); 3. rice with pork dice--a classic Taiwanese food; 4. fried rice(chau fan, as you see on menus in Chinese restaurants in western countries.)
2015年1月24日 星期六
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